
Ephermal Art and Creative Placemaking Two Case Studies: Long Branch & Chestertown, MD

How can temporary art and design activities contribute to and shape the visioning process for communities in transition? How can such work play an intentional and integrated role in place-based community outcomes? In the last decade, The National Endowment for the Arts, ArtPlace America and the Kresge Foundation have been investing in creative placemaking efforts around the country seeking to strengthen the social, physical, and economic fabric of communities. In this talk, Eisenbach will discuss the creative placemaking framework and strategies. She will demonstrate the engaged role that the arts can play by sharing two of her own installation/performance projects, Placeholders and WaterLines, projects sited in commu-nities grappling with change. The former in Long Branch, MD anticipating the Purple Line’s impact and the latter on the Eastern Shore, in Chestertown, MD seeking to stimulate the economy while at the same time, protect a historic town from unwanted development and cli-mate change.

See all the details here.

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